"Learning to Speak the Mandarin Chinese language...is meant to be fun and natural"

"Learn to Simply Start
Speaking Mandarin Chinese...
with Fun & Ease

Sound a little too good to be true? To start speaking so fast?
I don't blame you if you're thinking
- not another internet B.S. exaggerated claim!

Don't take my word for it.

Before reading on, click the button below
to see how YOU can start speaking Chinese
like the others who've tried almost everything else.

online Chinese language video course lessons for you
where-ever you are in the world

Perfect for business, travel, dining out, or just plain fun -- you'll learn to start speaking conversational Chinese in your own time and space... WITHOUT textbooks OR boring repetition

From the classroom of Alex Foo
Tuesday, 10:43 a.m.

Does this sound familiar to you?

(actual feedback from students...

  • I do not know anything about chinese language. So it looks difficult to me
  • I have taken too many courses but to no avail...
  • I need help remembering vocab words and forming sentences
  • In school we have to learn chinese and it is taking forever to learn one word
  • how to pronounce the words properly and putting them together in a coherent sentence
  • I have many books, but need the hear the sounds
  • Since learning how different, and maybe difficult, Mandarin Chinese is to learn for English-speakers like myself, I had to find a program that simplified the linguistic complexities like yours

All is not lost...

If you've tried to learn to speak Chinese before, only to discover that you didn't seem to have the "knack" for languages...

Or if you've always wanted to learn how to speak Chinese, but heard that it's a difficult language to conquer...

You're not alone.

I know how it feels. I've been in exactly the same shoes learning other foreign languages - even now with Spanish.

... Maybe I can help

My name is Alex Foo, and as a Cambridge University-Certified language instructor who grew up speaking both English AND Chinese, I've spent the past few years teaching people in China, Sydney and Perth, Australia how to begin speaking Chinese, quickly, easily, and naturally -- in just 58 minutes!

And I just want you to know,

It's not your fault!

Out of possibly frustration, boredom and maybe even desperation - you're looking for something better to help you.

You're probably now learning Chinese or exploring through one or a combination of:

  • books and books
  • tapes, DVDs or CDs
  • chinese language learning software
  • TV and radio
  • a private tutor or Chinese friend/family
  • University course
  • Vocational college
  • Community evening classes
  • Weekend intensives or
  • online courses

   ...which almost all look the same...

(A little later I'll share why this is so)

"I have bought several Chinese language books, tapes and CD's in the past but have made very little progress...

23 July 2007

"Hi Alex,

Yes, I have received all the audios and videos...
thanks for asking. I have started the lessons and they are great.

I have bought several Chinese language books, tapes and CD's in the past but have made very little progress trying to learn to speak,read and write all at once.

However, with your lessons and methods, the language is actually sinking in!!!


Shelley Higgs
Brisbane, Queensland - Australia

Ever been running high on motivation
and diving into that book or course...?

I remember vividly what one of my first students in Sydney, Richard Wong - a New Zealand-born Chinese said:

"Our evening class was full at 25 students, all eager to learn Chinese.

The next week was the same - everyone turned up.

In the 3rd week, there were 2 empty seats...

and the week after, 2 more...

Week after week, people stopped coming, starting to drop like flies, 18, 15, 11, 7.

By the end of the course there were only 5 of us, 'sticking at it' all the way.


I don't know about you but the prospect of being 'stuck at it' seems like a lotta hard work and not much fun to me.

And unfortunately, it's a common fact.

It was very interesting for me to receive the following email from Antida, who works at a Chinese Cultural Centre in Malta (an ex-British colony in the Mediterranean)

"Every day as I go in my office
I look forward to opening your emails...

6 September 2007

"Ni Hao,Alex Foo,

This centre is to promote the Chinese Culture in our Island. They give lessons in Chinese language.

Since I've been working here the Chinese offered me complimentary lessons.

But I have to stay after work and I don't have that time. I have no time to come in the evening again after work and besides your lessons are very interesting and effective.

I like learning with you. Every day as I go in my office I look forward to opening your emails. They are so interesting.

Thaks alot for the new Chinese words you are teaching me. I'm getting along fine thanks to you.

It's very interesting and exciting. So keep up the good work.


Antida Troisi
Malta Chinese Cultural Centre CCC

I'm very sad, as a Chinese where people are eager to learn about my culture and language and yet find it so frustrating with the current system and give up - and what you just saw is just so common.

"When I first encountered ChinaSpeak I was bit sceptical...

July 2004

"When I first encountered ChinaSpeak I was bit sceptical but now that I have fully experienced it for a number of weeks I recommend it to anyone who wants to speak Mandarin.

The 3 key things that make this different from other courses are:

Friendly intimate style - the class sizes are small so you get to develop a real rapport with him, who can adjust to your personality and focus on you as an individual.

Improved learning retention - with the individual attention and the focus on getting key content right during each lesson, my retention of what has been taught is much higher than my experience through community college courses.

Flexibility - Working in a managerial position means I cannot always stick to a schedule as much as I would like to. With Alex, there is greater flexibility to fit things into my schedule and therefore ensure I can relax and learn rather than worrying about what is happening at work."

If you want to try something that works, you should give Alex a go.

Richard Wong
Commonwealth Bank
Sydney, New South Wales NSW - Australia

You'll be speaking real Mandarin Chinese
... by the end of your very FIRST lesson

The secret to my approach to teaching Chinese is surprisingly simple...

I help you learn the language the way nature intended! NO textbooks... NO rote memorization... NO grammar rules to study... NO books to read... NO lists of words to parrot back...

After all, that isn't how you learned to speak your first language, is it? ;-)

I've been teaching (and learning!) languages long enough to know that those standard classroom techniques just don't work! Chances are they just make you feel like a failure -- because it's almost impossible to learn from them.

And the best thing is:

  You Don't have to Rush to class like a maniac after work


  You Don't have to constantly reschedule your diary with   your tutor

  You Don't have to pay for fuel driving
  You're running late and you Dont have to stress, spending   11 minutes circling around the block looking for parking
  You Don't have to Pay more for parking or worry about fines
  You Don't have to spend time stuck in traffic or squashed   like a sardine going to and from class
  You Don't have to waste money buying extra books which you'll   hardly touch
  You Don't have to learn obscure things which you'll hardly   ever use

  You Don't have to get to class

  • in the freezing cold in the middle of winter
  • get absolutely soaking wet in the rain
  • almost faint in the heat on the bus or train

"... I am now able to participate in conversations..."

"I was doing the course because of an upcoming placement in China. Before commencing the course I thought I might learn enough to ask for help or if anybody spoke English.

After completing the course I am now able to participate in conversations, order food and drinks, shop and ask for directions.

I am looking forward to using my new-learnt skills in China!

Matthew Montgomery
Perth, Australia

How you can start speaking Chinese very quickly
in a very short space of time

I'm going to reveal to you the so-called earth-shattering way to learn any foreign language.


If you took a traditional course, this is what you get:


Yup, a tangled mess of "words"
scattered everywhere in your head.

Get clarity

We've sorted out the mess for you.

We've cleaned and cleared the confusion.

From many years of observation, research and personal experience, I've put the Chinese into the core components -the essential, common, high-usage base building blocks,

This is NOT memorising a mile-long list of phrases

instead, get equipped with building blocks like synergisers, pacers, bridges, bricks and mortars...

...into a system, guiding you to very quick heights, growing at a rapid rate to help heighten your speaking and listening...

giving you the freedom and ability to
start saying what you want, when you want

Build on your momentum and motivation

Keep your motivation alive

When you start feeling and seeing how quick and easy it is you're learning and speaking, you feel like jumping and pumping your fist into the air with triumph

   - you'll feel like flying!

Capitalise on the momentum you've built to build your foundation more into a solid tower:

With a firm base, now you've got height and

now that you've got a firm foundation
at the height of inspiration to

Expand your world

With height now stable, you want to plant the seeds to the garden to make it bloom into a beautiful creation.

This is where the Chinese you've built from your foundation starts to become a part of you...

and the Chinese starts flowing out of you naturally, like musical notes from a piano, sweet songs from a bird into:


... growing your garden into practical speaking fluency.

And the important thing is to first get
you up and running
- feeling the fruits of your efforts

From Frustration and chaos...

...to Happiness, Calm and Fun

In OUR courses, we'll just relax, have lots of fun, enjoy each others' company... and talk!

If you're not here, then along with this natural, relaxed approach to language learning, you'll get your own videos and audios to start learning to speak as fast as you like.

Watching the videos is as if you were in a private class with me in front of you but not with the hassles of running around after work to late evening classes for 2 hours or more at a time.

And the best thing is:

Imagine the big, warm smiles on the faces of the Chinese you meet when you start speaking full sentences and questions...

"...I was able to impress Jade’s mother a few days later
with what I had learnt!.."

March 2004

"Both my partner Jade and I were very impressed with Alex’s style of training and we enjoyed his laid back, friendly demeanour.

He is good because he leaves you with a sort of flexible question/answer combination that you can use to practice with one another. Also, the fact that he left us with no written notes actually motivated us to remember the words and I was able to impress Jade’s mother a few days later with what I had learnt!

Before being too sceptical, I recommend that you at least take the opportunity to experience his lessons.

Herman Volpe
Sydney, Australia

So if you're thinking about learning Chinese for business, for a trip you're planning...

Or even if you just enjoy Chinese culture, or the fun of learning something completely new and different...

Just choose the programs below which you feel best suit you for what you want to achieve:


Silver General - TravelSpeak
(includes Meet&Greet)

Quick Start Surprise Bonus Video
Step 1  
Step 2   Step 3   Step 4


Gold Professional BusinessSpeak
(includes General TravelSpeak)

Quick Start Surprise Bonus Video
Step 1  
Step 2   Step 3   Step 4   Step 5


Unlock The China Code
Essential Chinese Business Dining Etiquette

"Lessons were fun and interactive...

"This has been a great experience.

Lessons were fun and interactive. I did not realise learning Chinese could be so easy.

Classes gave me more confidence in my abilities to converse + speak Chinese in a short space of time.

Lessons were held in the afternoon afer work decreasing my motivation to participate.

However besides this, everything was great!

Alicia Chew

"The lessons greatly exceeded my expectations...

"Initially I thought learning Chinese would be extremely difficult.

However after the first class, with Alex using a very clever + innovative way of teaching (ie telling the stories), I knew that learning Chinese would not be such a challenge.

The claases were really fun + dynamic + energising.

I enjoyed the ChinaSpeak classes a lot and I think Alex is a great teacher + very encouraging + helpful.

The lessons greatly exceeded my expectations.

Brighid Bourke

"I found the practical application useful"

"Wo xihuan ChinaSpeak!

(I like ChinaSpeak!

See how much I know!

I found the practical application useful.

I think I would find some vocab sheets more of a help for remembering - because when you have the word written, it can clarify maybe pronunciation - with - oral technique.

Otherwise it was fun + interesting + helpful.

Rebecca Osbourne

"...Really liked the use of visualisation..."

23 May 2006

* Really liked the use of visualisation.

* Alex is very friendly and approachable.

* The CD's we got were very useful in assisting
our learning.

Thank you =)

Deanne Jones

"...it is extremely easy and fun to learn...

Apr 8, 2007 9:06 PM

"Nihao alex,

i just wanted to thank you so far, it is extremely easy and fun to learn!

Thanks Again Alex!

Greg Steed
Ontario - Canada

".I can learn very fast with out pen and paper ."

Mar 31, 2007 10:45 AM


Really your teaching is so easy i can learn very fast with out pen and paper

Thanking u

Jayakumar Iyer
Bangalore, Karnataka -India

"...it's fun and unconventional...

Mar 27, 2007 6:13 PM

"Hello Alex,

I really enjoy your videos.

I'm currently studying in the Warwick University in the UK and taking Chinese level 1 module as a part of my course.

This language is difficult and im not sure if it is possible to learn it :)

But i truly enjoyed your videos and your way of teaching, because its fun and unconventional. thank you.

All the best,

Kristina Maslauskaite
Warwick University - United Kingdom UK

"...I really enjoy the lessons...

Apr 9, 2007 5:14 AM

"Nihao Alex, Foo ha quay la??

To you as well!

I really enjoy the lessons, they are helpful.

There are many Chinese people at my church and I can now talk to them a little, or at the very least humor them.

Clate Hollema
Oxford, Mississippi - USA

"I was one of those people daunted
by learning Chinese...

"I was one of those people daunted by learning Chinese.

But the progressive way in which the information was presented with the use of visualisation techniques and supportive help made the process really fun and achievable.

Jacinta Wilson

"...Thank you very much for calling me...

Apr 11, 2007 8:33 PM

"Nihao Alex,

Thank you very much for calling me.

The (TravelSpeak) program is fantastic.

I wonder how can I proceed from this level?

I would be very interested to know if some more advanced material is available and how.

Thanks again for a wonderful program.

Guy Shafran
Executive Manager
Hong Kong, China

"Thank you for your easy course

Apr 19, 2007 6:07 PM

"Yes thank-you Alex for checking.

I am of to Hong Kong,China and Singapore tomorrow so I thank-you for your easy course.

Kind Regards

Shelly Taylor
Mandurah, WA

"I look forward to future lessons

Apr 14, 2007 7:39 AM

"Thank you very much for the lessons. They are great!

I have a passion for learning Chinese and other foreign languages, hoping to even travel to China soon to practice my skills.

I am currently studying Spanish,French,and Arabic. I am going to pursue a career with foreign languages after I graduate and go to college.

I watch CCTV at home and catch the news, learn culture, as well as veiwing the chinese lessons. I look forward to future lessons.

Xie xie =)

Robert Fox
Boston, Massachusetts - USA

"When they taught us that on the tour bus
it was much more difficult

Apr 21, 2007 7:35 AM

"I've got a little spare time to play (in between work and masters studies) so will have that working for me as well.

I've just managed to get my computer to do what I asked it to do and have had the first lesson...so cool!

When they taught us that on the tour bus it was much more difficult -
great action to go with the words to help make it more concrete.

Thankyou. Can't wait for the next lesson.

Oh, my daughter was visiting and was so impressed (and giggling because I looked so silly) that she got on the computer and promptly emailed the site to herself so she may well be linking in soon. That would be so cool!

have a great day!

Tessa Oldfield
Launceston, Tasmania

P.S. Thank you again for your time and willingness to answer my questions.


"very much impressed with the style ."

Apr 21, 2007 7:37 AM

"nihao alex

I have enjoyed the mini videos very much and am very much impressed with the style adopted by you to teach.

It's quiet effective.


Gaurisha Chauhan
Sacramento, California

"...learn things that are interesting
and help you to remember...

May 2006

"I am going to work in Shanghai for 4 weeks as part of the OT Abroad Program at uni.

I found the ChinaSpeak course to be heaps of fun and Alex finds ways to make you learn things that are interesting and help you to remember.

I would recommend this program to anyone wanting a fun way to learn Chinese.

Megan Smith

"I swear it is really helping me ."

Apr 21, 2007 6:53 PM

"nihao alex,

sir thank u teaching me chinese and i swear it is really helping me. hope one day i would definatly able to speak a good tonuge.

David Niel
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

"What I have learned, I remember ."

Apr 21, 2007 9:55 PM

"Nihao Alex,

Nihao ma? Wa hun hao!

I haven't had a lot of extra time to learn all of the greetings from the 1st modules, but what I have learned, I remember.

My Chinese students smile at my efforts. Yesterday, one of my bilingual kids asked me where I am learning Chinese. He is not shy. He said he will help me with my greetings. I really am pleased that I am learning.

Thank you for the bonus video--I watched it this morning and will practice. You are a good teacher!

In sincerity,

Marilyn Cassidy
(Marilyn is a teacher herself!)
Houston, Texas


Silver General - TravelSpeak
(includes Meet&Greet)

Quick Start Surprise Bonus Video
Step 1  
Step 2   Step 3   Step 4


Gold Professional BusinessSpeak
(includes General TravelSpeak)

Quick Start Surprise Bonus Video
Step 1  
Step 2   Step 3   Step 4   Step 5


Unlock The China Code
Essential Chinese Business Dining Etiquette

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"Stop Struggling
Over Books and
Start Having Fun
Watching Videos
Speaking Mandarin

Just enter your e-mail below to receive your FREE 8-day mini video course, and start speaking Chinese the easy and fun way.

You can feel more relaxed and comfortable and start impressing yourself and your Chinese friends!

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Real People:

"So Much Better Than
Reading Off A Book"

Jamie Shaw

"I Now Feel
Hearing Chinese"

Annabel Poulsen

"Definitely Worth the
Time and Money"

Veronica Yeo

"I'm Keen to
Start Level 2"

Mandy Miller

"I Honestly Started
Out With Such
Low Expectations"

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